Residential Experience
Residential Experience
Wide range of residential experience in both single family and multi-family housing, in Otero, Bernalillo, and Santa Fe Counties, in New Mexico, continuously for the past nine years ranging in project costs from $100,000.00 to $950,000.00
“God’s Impeccable Timing” – Mayhill, NM – Architect - 2,696sf; design features include multiple exterior and interior finishes, creative special layout, including a reading loft and game room. Design elements included bringing the exterior in and taking in all the views as well as challenging the inhabitant with angles, materials and colors. Sustainable elements included rain water catchment.
“The Cupola” – Residence - Cloudcroft, NM – Architect - 2,675sf, sustainable elements included rain water catchment, grey water reuse, and solar pre-heat for the water heater. Design elements included a wide range of materials both at the exterior and interior.
“The Triangle” – Residence – Cloudcroft, NM – Architect - 1,248sf, sustainable elements included rain water catchment, grey water reuse, and solar pre-heat for the water heater. Contemporary approach to all design elements and finishes with special considerations.
“The Woodlands Cabin” – Residence – Cloudcroft, NM – Architect - 1,232sf, a modest home in the woods. Traditional finishes, straightforward layout with minimal hallways.
“Growing out of the Hill” – Residence – Cloudcroft, NM – Architect – 3,400sf, exposed arched glue lams, exposed hardwood floors, 180 degree views, stucco exterior with colors that complement with the surrounds, and glass-enclosed center stairway.
“Water Wise” – Residence – Cloudcroft, NM – Architect – 1,200sf, sustainable elements included rain water catchment, grey water reuse, solar wall for passive solar heat gain, super adobe, earthen plaster walls, rock baseboards, hand carved beams and posts, south facing interior planter for grey water filtration and solar pre-heat for the water heater. An exhibit of materials from the earth and an extremely functional layout for minimal square footage.
“Blessed Blue” – Residence – Tijeras, NM – Designer – 2,348sf, Traditional floor plan with traditional finishes to complement the views from this project site. The family room was extremely important and needed to be placed in the center of the house.
“Home in Cloudcroft” – Residence - Mayhill, NM – Designer – 2,498sf, Mountain home with wonderful mountain finishes, an amazing view with an incredible fireplace in the center of the living room. A three-story home designed around a busy growing family that needed flexible space on every level.
“House of Treasures” – Residence - Mayhill, NM – Designer – 2,110sf: Client preferences included: contemporary style, maintenance free, fire resistant, views, observatory site and light emissions.
Bear Park Townhouses – Multi Family Residential - Cloudcroft, NM – Designer – 5,260sf, multi-story, traditional finishes, stucco exterior and amazing views in three story balconies, with some northern New Mexico and Spanish flair.